After the edition held in Uruguay in 2023, Termatalia returns as an international fair and will be held in Ourense from September 26th to 28th.

His Majesty the King of Spain, Don Felipe VI, will preside over the Honorary Committee of Termatalia 2024, which will be held as a complete fair in Ourense between September 26 and 28. This acceptance endorses one more year the trajectory of the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness and positions it as a project of general interest for society by promoting the Culture of Water and its sustainable use, while generating new business opportunities for Spanish and Latin American companies, since the fair has positioned itself as an example of public-private cooperation in Latin America. With his acceptance to be part of this project, the King’s House once again ratifies his support for this event, having chaired the honorary committee year after year since he was Prince of Asturias and continuing to do so now in his role as monarch.

The boom that is experiencing the thermalism as an economic, tourist and health activity, leads to the need to involve public and private bodies. This fact will lead TERMATALIA’s organization to involve different national and regional public institutions related to the health tourism sector in this project.

Termatalia has the Seal of Internationality granted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise of the Government of Spain. With regard to its editions in Latin America, there has been a succession of acknowledgements and support from the different states and countries that hosted the event. The last edition of Termatalia as a fair was held in Ourense in 2022.

In the editions held in Latin America (2012 Peru; 2014 Argentina; 2016 Mexico; 2018 Brazil and 2023 Uruguay) Termatalia has always had the support of the main public and private tourism agents in the country. The last edition, held in Uruguay in October 2023, was declared of National Tourist Interest by the Ministry of Tourism of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and was inaugurated by the President of the Republic himself, Luis Lacalle Pou, being the first time that a Head of State participated in this event with ourensean seal.

The 2018 edition in Foz do Iguaçu, was presided over by the then Brazilian Minister of Tourism, Vinicius Lummertz. During the 2016 Mexico edition, Termatalia was recognized by the Congress of Deputies of the State of Coahuila. In the 2014 edition in Argentina, it was declared of Tourist Interest by the Argentine Government and of Parliamentary Interest by the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation. During the 2012 edition, held in Peru, the fair was also recognized as an International Fair by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Peru and was also declared a “National Tourist Event” by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.

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Feria Internacional Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022






