Termatalia is a thermal connection bridge between Europe and Latin America and its objective is to act as a dynamic agent for the health tourism sector worldwide. It currently occupies a privileged position, counting each year with the participation of professionals from thirty countries. It has become the meeting point between the European spa tradition and the potential of Latin America and a space for coexistence where synergies are created that are giving very good results.


of termatalia


Termatalia, today the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Well-being, was born in the thermal capital of Ourense (Spain) in 1997. It begins in a period of investment in the thermal centers of Galicia, as a biennial event and open to the entire Iberian Peninsula.


of termatalia


The fair takes a qualitative leap with the inclusion of training activities in the sector and the celebration of the first Technical Conference on Thermalism.


of termatalia


Recognition as International Fair for Customs Effects. The participation of Latin America begins with Argentina. First edition of the “Encounter of Thermal Cities”. Ourense and other European cities demand the recognition and enhancement of their thermal heritage.


of termatalia


It was accredited for the first time as an International Trade Fair by the Government of Spain (BOE Nº3 – 4/01/2005). 25 countries from 3 continents participated in that year’s edition.


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It begins to be held annually.


of termatalia


It is known worldwide as a thermal bridge between Europe and Latin America.e la conoce mundialmente como puente termal Europa y América Latina. The figure of the invited country is incorporated: Uruguay participates this year. First Exchange of International Tourist Contracting with foreign tour operators.


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Termatalia becomes a brand. This edition introduces the concept of sustainability. It focuses on relational capital between professionals from different countries. The Termatalia brand is used by the award-winning waters at the International Water Tasting.


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Approach to Eurasia and the East. It founded an International Network in conjunction with the European Spa Association (ESPA) and with the spa fairs in Turkey and Romania. The Congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Hydrology is celebrated in this edition. Meetings of thermal tourism prescribers with retail travel agencies


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A special edition is held on the occasion of the XACOBEO. Mexico is the guest country. Large delegations from Latin America and Turkey participate. The Business Center in the central axis of the fair.


of termatalia


Termatalia improves the professional profile of the fair. Argentina is the guest country. The profile of the general audience shows a greater interest in the sector. Ourense presents the Cultural Route of Historic Thermal Cities.
Check here the official book-catalogue of this edition: booktermatalia2011.pdf


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Termatalia is exported to Latin America and is celebrated for the first time outside of Ourense. Peru hosts this first edition on the continent: Termatalia Peru, Water and Nature, which was held in El Callao-Lima. The fair obtains the main international recognitions by the Peruvian Government: Declaration of International Fair by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Event of National Tourist Interest in Peru by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, MINCETUR and obtaining a license for the use of the “Country Brand” granted by PROMPERÚ.

Check here the official book-catalogue of this edition: booktermataliaperu2012.pdf


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The fair returns to Ourense internationally reinforced after its first edition in America. Peru, guest country. 31 countries from 4 continents participate.

Consult here the official Book-catalogue of this edition.


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Second edition of the fair in Latin America: Termatalia Argentina “More quality, more well-being” is held in the thermal capital of the continent, Las Termas de Río Hondo, in the province of Santiago del Estero. Involvement in this event of the main public and private agents of the sector in the country. Declared by the Argentine Ministry of Tourism as an “Event of Tourist Interest”, for its contribution to the dissemination and promotion of this country at an international level. For its part, the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation declared it to be of “Parliamentary Interest”. It also had a license to use its “Country Brand”

Consult here the official Book-catalogue of this edition.


of termatalia


Edition held again in the thermal capital of Ourense. 39 countries and 279 exhibitors participated to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Termatalia as an international fair. Latin America turns to this appointment that exceeds the participation data so far. The presence of 35 tour operators and 35 specialized media from all over the world reinforced Galicia as an international reference in thermalism and health tourism.

Consult here the official Book-catalogue of this edition.


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Third edition in America. Termatalia México 2016 was held between September 29 and October 1 in Arteaga/Saltillo, in the State of Coahuila. The fair helped consolidate Mexico as a leader in health tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean, and provided new international business opportunities for companies in the sector in Europe and America.


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Edition held in Ourense. Consolidated as an international point of reference for business in thermal, health and wellness tourism. It had the participation of 260 exhibitors, 30 tour operators and 40 countries represented, with a massive presence from Latin America and Europe, also incorporating Asia-Pacific. These data, added to the presence of 50 speakers, also positioned Galicia and Ourense as professional training centers in the field of thermalism. This edition, which featured Mexico as the guest country, reinforced its professional character.


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Fourth edition in Latin America. Held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The fair came of age reinforced as the great international event for health and wellness tourism. It brought together more than 2,500 professionals from 34 countries and contributed to including this Brazilian city on the world spa map.


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Held in Ourense, Termatalia 2019 reaffirmed its role as a major world event for health tourism, bringing together professionals from 34 countries and became a major international forum for knowledge of the health tourism sector with the celebration in addition to the Congress fair International Thermalism 2021-2027 on thermalism and demographic challenge organized by the “Raia Termal” project led by the Provincial Council of Ourense and the III International Symposium on Thermalism and Quality of Life organized by the Campus da Auga of the University of Vigo.


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Held in Ourense, Termatalia concluded its twentieth edition with the fulfilled objective of having become the international meeting point of health tourism professionals after the pandemic. A complete and face-to-face fair that brought together 140 exhibitors from 25 countries and received 6,300 visits positioning Ourense as a world epicenter of thermalism to be held in parallel and complementary with two other major professional events such as the International Congress of Thermal Tourism that concluded yesterday or the XXI National Congress of Medical Hydrology.


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2023 - uruguay

Termatalia Uruguay 2023, the fifth edition of the fair in America, was described as “one of the best in the history of Termatalia in America”, in the words of its director, Rogelio Martinez. And it is that the 21st International Meeting on Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness exceeded the expectations of its main partner, the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay. This country trusted in Termatalia to promote at international level its thermal resources and to position itself, by quantity and quality, as one of the great thermal destinations of America. As a firm sample of this bet for the thermal tourism, the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay himself, Luis Lacalle Pou, participated in the official opening ceremony.

Feria Internacional Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022






