Feria Internacional Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022
The International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness will celebrate its 22nd edition in Ourense, from September 26th to 28th.
Expourense, Ourense’s trade fair center, once again attended FITUR Madrid to present its two international tourism fairs: Termatalia (September 26-28) and Xantar (October 24-27). These are two of the six international tourism events recognized by the Spanish Government (together with Fitur itself, Intur Valladolid, B-Travel Barcelona and TIS Seville). As usual, the stand of Turismo de Galicia hosted the joint presentation of both events, which were given by the managing director of Expourense, Rogelio Martinez, who was accompanied by various representatives involved in the respective sectors of the fairs presented and that show the support of the various administrations to the fair and sports activities developed by Expourense, in addition to the importance of cross-border cooperation with Portugal in all its projects. The event was also attended by Uruguay’s Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera.
In this presentation, the managing director of Expourense was accompanied by the Head of the Welfare Area of the Provincial Council of Ourense, José Juan Cerdeira, who referred to the role of Termatalia in the international promotion of the “Thermal Province” par excellence. For his part, the president of the Tourism Entity of Porto and Northern Portugal, Luis Pedro Martins, spoke about the role of Xantar in the promotion of local food and wine tourism and the massive participation of municipal chambers of this country in the show. This joint presentation concluded with the intervention of the Director of Promotion of the Galician Tourism Agency, Carmen Pita, who highlighted gastronomy and thermalism as the main pillars of tourism in the community.
Rogelio Martínez stressed that “Expourense is the only venue that organizes two of the six international tourism fairs to be held in Spain in 2024. This helps us to position ourselves as a venue that organizes unique projects that promote the potential and endogenous resources of Galicia. With Termatalia we promote thermal and health tourism, a sector in which our community is the leader in Spain. With Xantar, we make known our enogastronomy that is, remember, the second reason why the tourist chooses Galicia as a place to visit”.
The first international fair of the year related to tourism (Expourense celebrates Funergal in May, which is also an international event) will be Termatalia, International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness. After the last edition, held in Uruguay, it returns to its European headquarters, Ourense, the thermal capital. It will take place from September 26 to 28.
Termatalia is an excellent opportunity to position itself as a health tourism destination. As usual, it will revolve around its three main axes: training, business and relational capital.
– Professional training, through the celebration of the Fifth International Congress on Water and Health, with the participation of the best specialists in the world.
– The business, with a new edition of the Workshop specialized in Health Tourism with international tour operators. The International Water Tasting, now in its 20th edition, will also be organized.
– And, finally, the “relational capital” that the celebration of the fair represents every year, whether in Ourense or in Latin America. This is an event that brings together
professionals from more than 30 countries and is already a meeting place for the international thermal family.