Termatalia, Feria Internacional de Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar regresa como feria presencial entre el 29 y el 30 de septiembre con el objetivo de convertirse en el gran punto de reencuentro de la comunidad termal internacional

 La celebración de cuatro grandes eventos relacionados con el termalismo en la última semana de septiembre convertirán a Ourense en el epicentro mundial del turismo de salud

Expourense, the Ourense fairgrounds, attended FITUR Madrid for yet another year for Xantar and Termatalia, two of the five international tourism fairs recognized by the Spanish Government (together with Fitur itself, Intur Valladolid and B-Travel Barcelona). These fairs make the province of Ourense and the Galician community the only one that celebrates two international tourism fairs in the same year. Both events will launch different professional actions framed in the double Xacobeo Holy Year 2021-2022 and will be the first edition to be held after the arrival of High Speed ​​to Galicia, which will facilitate the presence of international exhibitors and visitors as Ourense is located 2 hours and 15 minutes from Madrid.

The presentation of both fairs, one held after the other, took place this afternoon at the Tourism of Galicia stand at FITUR. Both presentations were given by the managing director of Expourense, Rogelio Martínez, who was accompanied by different representatives involved in the respective sectors of the fair: thermal tourism and food and wine tourism.

Termatalia presented its 20th edition. After three years without being held due to the pandemic, the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Well-being announced that in 2022 it will be held again as a complete and face-to-face fair as it had been doing until 2019, the year of the last edition. It will be held from September 29 to 30 and will once again focus on professional training, business and relational capital. The goal is to become the great meeting point for the thermal community, bringing together professionals from around thirty countries and for this fair to mean a return to “normality”, a normality that will be extraordinary, since during the last week of September 2022, Ourense will become the world epicenter of thermalism. In those days, the province will host four major events, parallel and complementary, which will position Ourense as the great international reference in health tourism.

In addition to Termatalia, the World Congress of Thermalism of the OMT is celebrated that week in Ourense, led by the Provincial Council of Ourense; the fifth International Symposium on Thermalism and Quality and Life organized by the Water Campus of the University of Vigo, which will convene the scientific community; and the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Hydrology that will meet first in Termatalia and later in the Laias Spa.

In this presentation, the director of Termatalia was accompanied by the director of the Galician Tourism Agency, Nava Castro; by the president of the Spanish Society of Medical Hydrology, Dr. Francisco Maraver, and by the mayor of the thermal municipality of Santa Rosa de Cabal (Colombia), Rodrigo Toro. The latter took advantage of his speech at the event to apply as a candidate to host Termatalia 2023, the year in which the fair will return to Latin America.

Another of Termatalia’s novelties is that it will be the first edition held with AVE. The high-speed connection places us just 2 hours and 15 minutes from the capital of Spain, Madrid, a city connected to 66 countries, which will help attract a greater number of exhibitors and international visitors and will also contribute to positioning of Galician thermalism as a great health and leisure alternative for the rest of Spain.

To the confluence of important international events in Ourense, it is also added that the next edition of Termatalia will take place on a very special date for Galicia, since the double Xacobeo Holy Year 2021-2022 continues. The organization of the fair will take advantage of this situation to attract tourists to our community, taking into account the Xacobeo, and the opportunity to visit Santiago de Compostela as new attractions to offer to the participants in the next edition of Termatalia.

The 2022 edition will also continue to promote activities related to the “A Rest on the Roads” project promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster with the support of the Galician Tourism Agency. This project organizes stays in the spas of the different Caminos de Santiago, thus offering the best rest to the pilgrim.

The structure of Termatalia 2022 will remain as in previous editions, revolving around its three main axes: training, business and relational capital:
• Professional training, through the celebration of the Third International Congress on Water and Health, with the participation of the best specialists in the world.
• Business with the launch of a new edition of the Workshop specializing in Health and Wellness Tourism, which will bring together international tour operators with those spa destinations that wish to participate in it.
• And after three years without being held as a fair, Termatalia 2022 recovers the “relational capital” that the celebration of the fair supposes each year, either in Ourense or in Latin America. It is an event that brings together professionals from more than 30 countries and that is much more than a fair, it is a meeting place for the international thermal family. It is a world hot springs brand that will continue to position Galicia and Ourense as centers for professional training and international business in the field of hot springs.

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Feria Internacional Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022






