complementary activities

TERMATALIA 2022 is also the ideal space for exhibitors to present their campaigns, brands, products and services to professional visitors.

These are the presentations and other activities planned so far.


  • 10.30 to 11.00 a.m.: Presentation of “TRAWE Project, Nature for your skin”. Speakers: Laura Rodríguez García and Cristian Parra Oyarce. Horreos Araucania Spa (Chile).
  • 11.00 to 12.00 am.: Vascular Physical Therapy Health Presentation. Speaker: Silvia Sánchez Prieto. Group Lider BEMER Spain.
  • 11:00 to 12:00 pm.: Yoga Wellness. Teaches: Wellness Experience. (Free activity with prior registration at expourense@expourense.org)
  • 12.00 to 12.20 pm.: Presentation: Development of a range of cosmetic products with natural mineral water from Termas de Sao Pedro do Sul, aimed at treating atopic dermatitis. Anna Jorge. Operational Director of Termas S. Pedro do Sul (Portugal).
  • 12:30 to 12:50 pm: “Is Medical Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism something new? Marita Souto. Dr. Chemical Sciences. Researcher. Lcda. in Pharmacy. Antony Freire. AITB – Ibero-American Association of Thermalism and Well-being.
  • 1.00 pm.: Official Opening Ceremony of Termatalia 2022
  • 1.15 to 02.00 pm.: Board of Directors of the Associaçao Termas de Portugal.
  • 4.30 to 05.00 pm: Official presentation of ASICOTUR, the International Association for Tourism Cooperation. Alejandro Rubín (president) and Jesús Ares (vice president).
  • 4.30 to 05.00 pm.: Presentation of the book: THE SEA HEALS BODY, MIND AND SOUL. Thalassotherapy. Therapeutic Foundations. Marianela Pena. Co-author.
  • 4.30 to 06.30 pm.: Seminar on “Natural MIneral Waters”. Speaker: Mercedes González Rodríguez, Sumiller.
  • 5.00 to 06.00 pm.: Presentation of the book “SPA & Turismo Wellness.Special Mexico and Latin America”. Authors: Dr Ramon de la Rosa and Alfonso Valdez.
  • 5.30 to 6.30 pm.: Yoga Wellness. Teaches: Wellness Experience. (Free activity with prior registration at expourense@expourense.org) 


  • 10.15 to 10.30 a.m.: Presentation “Hydrotherapy and Local Development. The experience of the FEMP Thermal Villas Network”. Manuel Campos. President of Villas Termales.
  • 10.30 to 12.30 pm.: Seminar on “Thermal Muds: Aplications”. Speakers: – Dr. Lourdes Mourelle Mosqueira. Researcher of the FA2 Research Group of the Department of Applied Physics. Expert trainer in Thermalism, Thalassotherapy and Wellness. / Dr. Carmen Paula Gómez Pérez. Researcher at the Center for Biomedical Research of Galicia, University of Vigo.
  • 10.45 to 11.00 am: Presentation of the Book “Spa resorts on the Caminos de Santiago in Galicia”. Chair of Medical Hydrology USC Balnearios de Galicia.
  • 11.00 to 11.15 am: Presentation of TERMAGAL Prof. Juan Gestal, Prof. José Carreira, Dra. Dolores Fernández Marcos, and D. Marcos Muiño, Trileuco Solutions.
  • 11.00 to 12.00 pm.: Yoga Wellness. Teaches: Wellness Experience. (Free activity with prior registration at expourense@expourense.org)
  • 11.30 to 12.30 pm.: Vascular Physical Therapy Health Presentation. Speaker: Silvia Sánchez Prieto. Group Lider BEMER Spain.
  • 12.45 to 1.15 pm.: AITB Quality AquaWellness. The advantages of a specific standard. Teresa Pachecho and Antonio Freire. Directors of the Ibero-American Association of Thermalism and Well-being.
  • 05.30 to 06.30 pm.: Yoga Wellness. Teaches: Wellness Experience. (Free activity with prior registration at expourense@expourense.org)

Tastings of international mineral waters at the Water Bar.

Massage Area. Centro Shalom.

Demonstrations of massages and healthy physical activities, postural control, assessment of physical condition and well-being. CIFP A Farixa (Ourense). Higher Cycle in Thermalism and Well-being. Superior Cycle in Physical Conditioning.

Demonstrations of relaxing facial, cranial and body massage. IES 12 de Outubro (Ourense). Superior Cycle in Integral Aesthetics and Well-being.

Demonstrations of hydrothermal facial treatments. IES 12 de Outubro (Ourense). Superior Cycle in Integral Aesthetics and Well-being.

Sound massage. Wellness Experience Stand.

Anthropometric measurements and advice on healthy eating. Ourense Territorial Headquarters of the Ministry of Health – Xunta de Galicia.1.0

Feria Internacional Turismo Termal, Salud y Bienestar
29 y 30 de septiembre de 2022






